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UAB HOP Champions Course (3 CEUs)
The Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) Champions Course was created to address numerous shortcomings in many of today’s leadership and management systems, safety management systems, and work method planning and execution systems. With a foundational premise that human error is inevitable and that complex systems can contain latent error traps, the HOP course will enable learners to create team-based approaches to improve work system development, hazard mitigation strategies that make it harder for employees to do the work incorrectly and easier for them to do it correctly, and leadership strategies that empower employees at all levels to do their best work.
Develop leaders at all levels throughout your organization. Establish the link between leader actions and input and resultant performance and organizational culture.
Apply proven best practices and cognitive and collaborative skills that allow intelligent teams to consistently outperform their most capable individual members.
Avoid blame and punish pitfalls and maximize pre -and post- event learning by leveraging operational context and frontline workers closest to challenges and opportunities.
Leverage deliberate and real-time Risk Management (RM) strategies and the Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief (PBED) cycle to support resilient operations, create physical and psychological safety, and spark innovation in your workforce.
Leverage deliberate and real-time Risk Management (RM) strategies and the Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief (PBED) cycle to support resilient operations, create physical and psychological safety, and spark innovation in your workforce.